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Institute of Innovative Design created 3 US patents in the information technologies area with general title "FUTURE VIRTUAL WORLD".


As the result of 2004-2011 work Institute of Innovative Design created 3 US patents in the information technologies area with general title "FUTURE VIRTUAL WORLD".

1st US Patent - Method and system for selling consumer services


 A method and a system for selling consumer services in accordance with a received pleasure (enjoyed) after consumption of these services. The final payment for the services is calculated after the rendered service. The payment value depends on the value of received pleasure. For example, proportionally a summary value of pleasure during all time of service consumption. The value of received pleasure defines by a tracing of consumer’s emotional state. Read more >>>






2nd US Patent - Method of remote video communication and system of synthesis, analysis and protection of user’s video images



 A method and system of remote video communication comprising: a user’s library of video images gathering; a choice of the scenario of communication with an interlocutor; a choice of user’s video image; video image presentation to the interlocutor; protection of user’s video image from definition of a degree of its correction by the interlocutor; tracing and recognition of characteristic features of the interlocutor’s behavior; definition of user’s emotional state; correction of user’s emotional state; definition of correction’s degree of video image of the interlocutor and giving to it of a real appearance. Read more >>>




3d US Patent - System for communication between users and global media-communication network


Interaction of the user with global media-communication network is based on a feedback in real time mode and therefore does not include action of the consumer on estimation of the current media-product or on change of played media-product by another one. The system estimates the emotional state of the user and automatically makes change of media-products. For remote definition of emotional state there is a sensor of emotional state of the user which is combined, for example, with the media-device. The subsystem of choice of media-products chooses products which maximize the value of pleasure experienced by user. The choice is carried out from all media-products available at present in the given media-system or in any other media-system. The choice is carried out by optimization of combination of media-products from different categories of media, such as, music, video, text and etc. Read more >>>


Home » Innovation techniques » Innovative projects examples » Institute of Innovative Design created 3 US patents in the information technologies area with general title "FUTURE VIRTUAL WORLD".
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